Information documents |
Written by DPR Biocides - Anses |
Version of 11.22.2017
Version of 13.06.2014
Version of 18.02.2016 - This list summarises the documents required in France for the most common types of application. The documents can be submitted as soon as the application is made or will be requested during the validation phase (after payment). Version of 07.28.023- This document gives, for each approved AS/ PT combination, the deadlines for submitting applications. Version of 07.01.2015 - This document summarises the key characteristics of the most common types of application. Document produced by the Ministry of the Environment. Version of 18.02.2016 - This document, extracted from an ECHA presentation, contains a non-exhaustive list of all the different possible cases identified in the R4BP3. ECHA provides access, via a search engine, to all the biocidal active substances and their status. This information is updated regularly. The regulatory texts are authentic. ECHA regularly updates the list of products authorised in all European countries. In accordance with Article 95 of the BPR, ECHA makes available the list of suppliers of active substances according to the product types. This list is updated regularly. |
Last Updated on Friday, 28 July 2023 10:09 |